Do you remember your favorite high school class? What made it your favorite? Was it the teacher, the classmates, the subject, the time of day,…
They’re for cutting waste and fraud in government — until you cut waste and fraud.
Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about my faith and the churches I have spent my entire life attending.
The University of Wyoming’s last NCAA Tournament appearance seems a whole lot longer than three years ago.
A classified ad appeared in a San Francisco area newspaper. It read, “For sale: 1984 Mercedes, 240 SL. Loaded. First $50 takes it. 868-5737.” …
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Hageman backs bill tossing 3.6 million acre Rock Springs land management plan
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RSPD investigates vandalism to local EV charging stations
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The first demonstration I participated in was a local women’s march in downtown Rock Springs five years ago. This gathering may have had a tot…
The recent disruptions at a local town hall meeting hosted by U.S. Rep. Harriet Hageman, R-Wyo., is reminiscent of the biblical story of the T…
Effective medical diagnosis depends not just on looking, but on truly perceiving. Recognizing this, many medical training programs have adopte…
I write this from my hotel room, a two-minute walk from the Colosseum.
My best friend’s mom bought me my first pair of jeans and they saved my life. Well, it seemed like it at the time.
The most basic staple of the human diet, the world over, from the earliest times is bread.
Our phones are amazing tools. They help us connect, learn, and even have fun. But like too much candy, too much screen time can have some not-…
Let me tell you a chicken story.
Whenever I visited my mom, the battle would begin. She was always cold. Even though she would wear layers of clothes, and I would gift her wit…
Dear Editor:
As a single mother, college student and part-time worker, I relied on public transportation in the 90s. It was always punctual. Public transpo…
In a 2021 Barna Research analysis, they gave the results from the American Worldview Inventory 2021. The results included these words. “There …
If you think that people are disagreeable these days about politics and culture, you can’t imagine how heated people got when I asked for sugg…
I was at work walking down the hallway when I overheard a young lady talking on her phone. I couldn’t help but overhear, as she was right next…
A major development in Wyoming government and policy occurred this week and many people likely failed to realize it. While the legislature has…
Sometimes I hear a concept that forces me to think. A thought, a phrase, a word that makes me ponder about how it relates to my life and mista…