Elizabeth Dillow FILE

Elizabeth Dillow

I’ve been thinking a lot about why people serve in the U.S. military lately — with recent reports of a shrinking service and difficulties recruiting young people in 2022 and 2023, I am caught off-guard by the idea that serving in the military doesn’t appeal to as many corners of the population as much as it once did.

When I open up my own Facebook feed or page through my address book, the Air Force has its fingerprints all over it: beloved friends and friends like family dotted across the United States and beyond. My military community near and far doesn’t feel shrinking or small in any way, but neither do trees when you’re standing in the forest.

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Elizabeth Dillow is a writer, photographer and graphic designer in Cheyenne. She loves hearing people’s stories more than just about anything. She can be reached at edillow@mac.com

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